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Showing posts from July, 2018

Creating Global Conditions in System Center Configuration Manager for Office 365 deployments

Creating Global Conditions in System Center configuration Manager for Office 365 deployments Firstly I would recommend reading the Microsoft docs article below. Software Library  >  Application Management  >  Global Conditions . Scenario: I have an AD group " SD-LSG-Comp-Microsoft Project ClickToRun"  with computer objects that should install Office 365 -  ProjectProXVolume edition. I wanted to create one application with multiple deployment types depending on their AD membership. For example if the computer is only a members of the  " SD-LSG-Comp-Microsoft Project ClickToRun" AD group then the deployment should only run the deployment Type " Office 365 Default Deployment Type-Install_InstallProject.cmd ".   This deplyoment Type calls the Office 365 setup.exe with a configuration xml detailing the  <Product ID="ProjectProXVolume">. (For a det...