Adding Drivers Using WAIK 1.1 Tools
If you were wondering how to execute the procedure using the WAIK 1.0 or 1.1 tools, here it is:
1. Mount the WIM file using imagex tool:
IMAGEX /MOUNTRW "O:\Windows7.wim" 1 o:\mount
2. Inject drivers using peimg tool:
peimg /inf=O:\H8DA8-2\S2K3_64\*.inf /image=o:\mount
*.inf is representing all the previous drivers that we added above. Repeat the command line for each file.
3. Commit changes:
imagex /unmount /commit o:\mount
4. Add the new “Lite Touch Windows PE.WIM” on WDS as a “Boot Image”
dism /online /get-drivers /Format:Table > c:\Driver-online.txt
Dism.exe /mount-wim /wimfile:"O:\Windows7.wim" /index:1 /mountdir:o:\mount
dism /image:"o:\Temp\mount" /add-driver /driver:"O:\temp\drivers\iaAHCI\iaStor.inf"
Dism /unmount-wim /Mountdir:o:\mount /commit
reg load HKLM\MY_SYSTEM "Windows\System32\config\system"
reg delete HKLM\MY_SYSTEM\WPA /f
reg unload HKLM\MY_SYSTEM
slmgr /dlv
slmgr /ipk HMG6P-
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
If you were wondering how to execute the procedure using the WAIK 1.0 or 1.1 tools, here it is:
1. Mount the WIM file using imagex tool:
IMAGEX /MOUNTRW "O:\Windows7.wim" 1 o:\mount
2. Inject drivers using peimg tool:
peimg /inf=O:\H8DA8-2\S2K3_64\*.inf /image=o:\mount
*.inf is representing all the previous drivers that we added above. Repeat the command line for each file.
3. Commit changes:
imagex /unmount /commit o:\mount
4. Add the new “Lite Touch Windows PE.WIM” on WDS as a “Boot Image”
dism /online /get-drivers /Format:Table > c:\Driver-online.txt
Dism.exe /mount-wim /wimfile:"O:\Windows7.wim" /index:1 /mountdir:o:\mount
dism /image:"o:\Temp\mount" /add-driver /driver:"O:\temp\drivers\iaAHCI\iaStor.inf"
Dism /unmount-wim /Mountdir:o:\mount /commit
reg load HKLM\MY_SYSTEM "Windows\System32\config\system"
reg delete HKLM\MY_SYSTEM\WPA /f
reg unload HKLM\MY_SYSTEM
slmgr /dlv
slmgr /ipk HMG6P-
Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
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